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Hand in hand to teach you to pay attention to the wrong installation of the electrical box

Views: 7     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2021-07-05      Origin: Site

1. The whole electrical box is small, too compact, components density is large, lack of some space. Some electrical boxes have components on both sides, which is not conducive to heat dissipation and easy to be disturbed.

2. The design layout and component layout of the electrical box are incorrect and unreasonable.

3. Strong circuit and control circuit are not separated, strong circuit cable box control cable industry is not separated, some power switches are close to PLC, easy to be disturbed.

4. The shielding grounding is not good, some MPI shielding wire is not connected or not connected well, the signal connector is not made, and the cable is not fixed, which will cause interference and poor contact.

5. The selection of air conditioning capacity is small and the quantity is small, which can not meet the requirements of hot weather. For high-power heating elements, such as high-power driving power supply without axial fan, etc.


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