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How to deal with a fire in the meter box? The meter box factory tells you how to take precautions before they occur

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Handling and prevention of electric meter box fire

Handling measures:

Immediately cut off the power: First, ensure your own safety, stay away from the meter box, and quickly cut off the main power switch.

Use fire extinguishing equipment: Use dry powder fire extinguishers or gas fire extinguishers to extinguish the fire. If there is no formal fire extinguishing equipment, sand can also be used as a substitute.

Timely alarm: Call the fire alarm number 119 to inform the accurate location and fire situation.

Preventive measures:

Regular inspection: Regularly inspect the meter box to ensure it is not overloaded, and replace aging and damaged meter boxes in a timely manner.

Correct installation: Please have professional personnel install home circuit wires and ensure PVC conduit protection.

Avoid private wiring: Do not connect wires or wires to the meter without authorization to prevent overloading or short circuiting of the circuit.

Keep clean: Do not stack flammable debris around the meter box and ensure that the safety passage is unobstructed.

Following the above measures can effectively reduce the risk of ignition in the meter box.

meter boxsingle phase meter boxthree phase meter box


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