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Do you know the installation process standard of electric meter box and electric energy meter?

Publish Time: 2022-08-01     Origin: Site

I believe everyone is familiar with the electrical equipment of "meter box"? But the installation of meter box is not familiar. Although we don't need to operate the meter box by ourselves, it's always right to know more about it! There is also an energy meter that is one of the family members of the meter box. This is more familiar to everyone. Should there be one in every family? Today, Ruixin Electromechanical will tell you about the "installation process standard of electric meter box and electric energy meter", so that everyone can have a deeper understanding of it!

1、 Appearance process standard of electric meter box

1. The meter box should be installed outdoors, and the height should not be higher than 2.5 meters; One meter for one household of high-rise residential buildings is centrally installed in the common staircase; It is not allowed to prevent meter reading personnel from reading meters. It shall not be installed indoors or in the hospital. If it does not meet the requirements, it shall be reinstalled or relocated. If the person who is at the top of the pole moves to the bottom, it should not be necessary to use iron shoes to climb the pole and read the meter.

2. The meter box is marked with a clear number.

3. The meter box must be locked.

4. There is a secondary leakage protector with firm installation and reliable action in the meter box.

5. A partition must be installed between the secondary leakage protector and the electric energy meter.

6. The incoming and outgoing lines of the meter box must be protected by insulating PVC casing. The incoming line of the meter box should be free of cracks or joints. The upper end of the casing should be left with a drip loop, and the lower end should enter the meter box to prevent rainwater from flowing into the meter box (see the attached figure)

2、 Wiring of electric energy meter

1. The electric energy meter shall be installed from left to right and from top to bottom; For the meter box with centralized reading, a meter position on the outside can be reserved as the installation position of centralized reading terminal.

2. The installation of the electric energy meter must be firm and vertical. Each meter has at least one fixing screw in addition to the hanging screw. The inclination of the electric energy meter is not greater than 10 °.

3. When installing the electric energy meter, press the upper row of screws at the end of the meter first, pull the tail line of the meter by hand to ensure that it is not loose, and then press the row of screws. Do not press the line too hard to avoid damaging the line. The peeling by wire should be appropriate to prevent the screw from pressing on the wire skin, and the metal wire should not be exposed. The crushed wire should be replaced. The grounding terminal button of three-phase watt hour meter must be reliably grounded or connected to zero. The tail cover must be installed with lead seal.

4. According to the electric load of the customer, the wire section of the electric energy meter should be reasonably configured. The load current is between 25 ~ 35A. It is recommended to use 4 mm2 copper wire or 6 mm2 aluminum wire.

5. The wiring of the electric energy meter shall be reasonable, neat, beautiful and clear, and a bend not less than 15 mm from the bottom edge of the meter shall be reserved. The wiring bend in the meter box must be a 90 ° right angle. The wiring in the meter box should be neat and regular, and it is not allowed to connect and pull randomly, and no joints should be left.

6. The following principles must be followed when installing meters and wiring:

a. The single-phase watt hour meter must connect the phase line to the current coil;

b. The three-phase four wire watt hour meter must be connected in positive phase sequence with reliable neutral line;

c. The zero line of the electric energy meter must be directly connected with the zero line of the power supply, and the access is orderly. It is not allowed to connect in series with each other, and it is not allowed to use grounding, metal shell and other methods to replace it.

7. The inlet and outlet wire diameter of the secondary leakage protector should meet the electrical load capacity of all customers in the meter box, and leave room. The wiring should be neat and regular, and it is not allowed to connect and pull at will.

8. The metering device shall be equipped with lightning protection in the lightning prone area.


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